Biography of Robert J. Osterhoff
- Thirty-one years with Xerox Corporation in operations and staff assignments, including National Quality Manager (U.S.), Region Controller, Region Quality Manager and Chief Quality Officer for the Xerox Services Division. Retired 2002 as a Vice President and Director, Corporate Quality and Knowledge Sharing, Xerox Worldwide. Presently an independent consultant (
- Education includes BA Accounting, Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa and MBA Management, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York.
- Served seven years as a Senior Examiner, Site Visit Leader and member of the Board of Examiners, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (1988 – 1993, 2001). From 1994-2000 served on the Advisory Task Force of the Malcolm Baldrige Foundation, Inc. and from 2001-2006 Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors of the Baldrige Foundation. Has examined over one hundred (100) organizations using Baldrige- assessment skills, including written assessments, site visits, organizational feedback and improvement planning.
- Has delivered lectures, seminars and keynote addresses on business systems, knowledge management, benchmarking, improvement processes and the future of quality in many countries, including Japan, China, India, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Argentina, the Philippines, Mexico, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan and throughout the United States. In addition to serving as instructor for U.S. Baldrige examiners for three years, he has also conducted Baldrige-based examiner training and/or consultation in New Zealand, India, Hong Kong, China (PRC), Russia, Thailand and the states of New York and Washington.
- Has provided international consulting expertise in the area of organizational effectiveness assessments, knowledge management, organizational improvement methodologies, policy deployment systems and benchmarking techniques.
- Author of numerous journal and magazine features and three books, including the latest, Inside The Lionel Trains Fun Factory ~ The History of a Manufacturing Icon and The Place Where Childhood Dreams Were Made, published in 2008.
- Served as an Adjunct Instructor, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York and a faculty member, Marketing and Customer Value Institute, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.